Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Baby Foot | Kaki ga kapalan??

Kalian pasti pengen dong punyaa kaki mulus kayak kaki bayi??
Nah, aku mau review tentang si baby foot ini yang punya manfaat untuk pengelupasan sel-sel kulit mati (kaki pecah-pecah, jamuran,kapalan, dan mata ikan),sertamenghilangkan bakteri-bakteri penyebab bau kaki.
Nah pengaplikasian Baby Foot ini mudah banget bisa dilakukan dirumah masing-masing lhoo tanpa pedicure kesalon, jadi cocok banget buat kalian yang ga punya waktu/males ke salonn.. hehehe.. Dan kalian bisa melakukan pengaplikasian ulang setiap 3 bulan sekali (biar kaki nya mulus terus bokk)

Nah setiap pembeliaan 1 set, kalian akan mendapatkan 1 masker dan 1 gel..

Cara pemaikan nya pun mudah, kalian hanya menggunakan masker di kaki, lalu dibungkus plastik dengan kaus kaki dan didiamkan selama 30 menit. ( Jangan digunakan saat mandi/ tiduran ) Lalu gunakan Baby Foot Gel dikedua kaki pada pagi dan malam hari.

 Pros :
+ Sudah resmi masuk Indonesia dan ber BPOM
+ Pengaplikasian hanya butuh 30 menit
+ Mudah digunakan di rumah 
+ Proses pengelupasan tidak menimbulkan rasa sakit sama sekali

Cons :

Tidak boleh digunakan saat kulit kaki terluka, penderita diabetes, dan ibu hamil.

Baby Foot ngadain giveaway worth total Rp 1.500.000,- lohh!! buat kalian yang punya kaki pecah2/kapalan/mata ikannn bisaa solved dengan pakai baby foot loh!! Mau coba? Just follow the rules down below: .
1. Repost this post and follow @babyfootid and @beautyjournal 
2. Tag @babyfootid and 3 of yor friends
3. Explain your foot problem and why you need #babyfoot to solve ur problem
4. Put hastag #babyfootid #babyfootxbeautyjournal #babyfootexperience #babyfootpeelingmask
5. Make sure your account is non private account.
* there will be 2 winners

New Products of The Month ( shu uemura, RCMA, embryolisse )

Hi guysss.. todayy i want to shareee about something exciting...
Here are some product that i buy this month and i loveee it that muchhhhhhh!

1. Shu Uemura loose powder (pink)
Still wearable for people with natural beige skin tone.. mine was NC 25 (MAC reference)
This is very mattifying powder and can hold up till 8hours..

2. RCMA powder
Excited to try this one.. but i believe its good for baking undereyes..

3. Embryolisse Moisturizer
Already tried this one and i really love it!!!! 5/5
It's moisturizing my face yet prime the skin very well so the pores all gone and i looked poreless!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

ZAP BEAUTY Lip Matte Cream Review

Lip Matte liquid lipstick is 'a' thing right now...
So, today i will talk about a newly ZAP BEAUTY launch lip matte cream.

i got 2 cute pouch 💁
with 3 color inside, which is 
Coral : bright nude coral color
Star girl : pink undertone with a hint of purple
Ashley : true mauve - purple color

There is vitamin E in their ingredients so it feels really moisturizing and not drying at all.. Also they don't have parabens or alcohol and already has license from BPOM

the wand is like a triangle side and precise with my lips.. so it's quite nice to apply on my lips..

coral, star girl, ashley

coral, star girl, ashley

My faves might be coral and star girl, cuz i'm not into purple family color.. 😁
 if u apply just a tiny bit of coral it still looks natural tho..

overall, i like this ZAP BEAUTY lip matte lipstick
cuz it's feel so light on my lips compare to other lip matte lipstick, and also it doesn't have any strange smell on it..

090 Coral on my lips :

Now they've available for 9 colors
source : instagram

You can purchase Zap Beauty Matte Lip Cream each for Rp 150.000,-
from any ZAP Clinic

And for any beauty updates you can go to

i hope this review is helpful for ya all..
Have a nice day peeps! 👄👄

Monday, October 16, 2017

WRP Everyday Fruit Bar : This is so me!

Hello peeps! today i want to share with you guys tentang my new favorite snack from WRP!
which is WRP Everyday Fruit Bar (Apricot & Raisin)

Source : WRP Instagram

While i don’t have much time to eat proper meal while I do my job as a interior designer / beauty blogger / makeup artist yang suka banget berangkat pagi- pagi buta.. aku selalu bawa snack WRP ini kemana2.. Selain handy dan low calories (hanya 80 kal/ saji) WRP fruitbar ini rasanya juga enakkk dan mengandung banyak vitamin such as Vit A, Vit B1, Vit B2, Vit B3, Vit B12, Asam Folat, Vit C, Vit E, Magnesium, and Zat Besi. Dan WRP Fruit Bar ini dapat menahan rasa lapar lumayan lama sampe lunch time lhoo.. 

Source : WRP Instagram

Selain itu, Apricot sendiri juga memiliki banyak benefit untuk kesehatan, diantara nya :

 Good Source of Vitamin A

 Rich in Fiber

 Good for the skin

 Natural Sources of Antioxidants

 It's DIET friendly

Source : WRP Instagram

Next, WRP Everyday LowFat Milk .. Terdapat 2 variant rasa yaitu coklat dan vanilla..
Susu ini cocok untuk perempuan usia aktif karena mengandung tinggi kalsium dan dapat menjadi konsumsi harian atau snack susu rendah kalori (110kal /saji ). you also can enjoy WRP Everyday Low-Fat Milk cold or hot. 

Overall aku suka banget si sama Wrp Fruit Bar dan WRP Everyday Low Fat Milk yang gampang untuk dibawa kemana- mana dan juga enak rasanya serta, tetap dapat menjaga berat tubuh tetap ideal, you will be enjoy bersama WRP Everyday Fruit Bar and Low Fat Milk. I choose WRP Everyday, Because This is So Me! 


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Soap Corner

currently local brand is really creative to make something..
today, i will talk about the brand called The Soap Corner

Here's some picture...

so i got 2 items, which is brush cleanser and brush cleaner spray..
the brush soap is really good to deep cleanse ur brushes..

and the second one, is the brush spray.. i also love the brush spray to spot cleaning my brush while i do my freelance makeup artist... that's help a lot to remove any color from my brush and make it clean like i haven't used it before.

the soap has a nice naturally smells on it, which not bothering me at all.

here's a glimpse of how i use the brush cleanser..

Happy reading !